Friday, February 25, 2011

AlterEgo Mask Update

I said there would be AlterEgo sculpt update and here are a few for you. This is the first in the series, the concept being our Alter Ego Inner Consciousness, inspired by Native Myth and multi cultural stories of shamans and shape shifters.

One of my new favorite movies thanks to T.C. here, happens to be The Island of Dr. Moreau,

1996 Movie Cover, (pics from Wikipedia)

Movie Scene Clip, Hyena (you may recognize Ron Perlman) and Cheetah

The story of a scientist with a god complex who moves to an island where he can manipulate DNA of humans and animals. Seeking the ideal balance of the peaceful creature, he finds he loses control, and that his creations (his "children") must cope with what he has made them, and he realizes too late what he has done. (great photo archive at this blog:
Powerful inspiration for this new mask/creature line at MWS.

You may notice that this is the Hawk version in this line, and no I did not lose the frontal pics (wow that sounds wrong) those will come before molding this piece. Hey I did say "Teaser Photos".

This mask is designed to move with the features and for one to be able to speak through the beak as they would through lips, since it is sculpted to work with the mouth. Lots of bird research. There are amazing aviary creatures out there. 
I used a mix of inspiration, from Hawks and Falcons to African Ground birds. I wanted this creature to be versatile, able to look fierce ( studying hawks is very useful), or sad or sweet. The idea, really is to have the person wearing this to not just put it on, but to become it, to feel the essence of this realistic fantastic creature.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

February Updates

It has been a strange couple of months here at MWS, and overall in the world. Weather has been nuts, even rendering the studio without power for almost a week. We also spent a lot of studio time motel hopping, a very interesting experience if I say so! Now I decided while being a bit under the weather and in bed, that I could do something, so I am updating.
Here is an interesting technique that we are re-introducing into the studio, leather sculpted costume accessories.

 Just a teaser photo for now, you will be able to see the piece in it's entirety listed in the etsy store.
There will be different colors and styles. This piece is a neck piece that doubles as an eye patch. We are very excited to make multi-use pieces and props. This is done with high quality human taxidermy eyes, up-cycled leather, and waxed cotton. We will be releasing pieces with creature eyes, mountain lion, reptile, etc.

Also soon to come, AlterEgo a creature mask line designed by K Firor here at MWS, as well as a traditional style latex, creature-horror mask line by T Colque. Details soon to come, but I can tell you they are very interesting. The new "Button" line by T.C is a continuation from this first piece:

We are having a great time experimenting for the MWHC this June, and are working to incorporate some traditional techniques that we have picked up over the years. T.C. has extensive experience in all manner of three dimensional mediums, and along with 3D illustration background they both share, K.F. has extensive experience in jewelry and textiles techniques.
"Bubba" is the next in the new line by T.C. of MWS. This is the preliminary, and not the complete first  paint job but we like it so much here it is:

I will be posting updates to this design and the next in the series (which I'm excited to say he is almost finished with the sculpt), with the ties and full paint jobs as well as sculpt teasers for the first AlterEgo piece.